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Race Cycler is one of the most amazing money making opportunities you will find on the Internet! It is set to re-start on Monday or Tuesday 25-26 August, 2014....don't miss it!

Why do I say that? Well...there is no jumping at all... you follow your sponsor through the boards ....
it is a forced matrix, so although you need 2 direct referrals to earn the maximum income of $2200 per full cycle, you can be pushed through the 2 boards at record speed because as people join Race Cycler the system places them in the first available open spot and that may be your board, thus pushing you only pay out of pocket once....there is an automatic re-cycle feature which takes $230 from your earnings and buys another spot for you in the National Board so that you may do the whole process again.


If you would like to listen to the Conference calls on your computer, where Kent Brown explains all of this for you then click on the following links: 20 August, 2014 , 21 August, 2014 and 22 August, 2014

In the back office of your Race Cycler account you will see your boards as shown below and in order to understand the flags fully I have shown what they mean below:
 The National Board will look like this and as can be seen there is only 1 empty spot left on the board.

The Grand National Board will look like this and this person still needs the last 4 positions to be filled.


Once this board is filled then you have run the race and the checkers flag is shown and you will see that you have 2200 points ($2200) in your back office. If you were well informed and ticked the auto re-cycle block then you will have 1970 points ($1970) in your back office which you can then ask to be withdrawn to your choice of payment processor or bank.

There is also a pacecar going around the track which is the Company "first" position designed to help people cycle too have a look at this screen shot:
Then of course there are those who have been paid:

Come and join the Race and experience the excitement Click here

Some people made as much as $6600 in the first few hours when it was first launched on 8 August, 2014 and STP system could not handle all the purchase requests therefore the race had to be stopped until they could get a payment processor on board who could handle this type of traffic. Every thing is now set and ready to go......if you are ready to sign up Click Here!

Please make sure that you do have the $230 out-of-pocket funds available to sign up as you need to pay immediately.

If you DO NOT have $230 to start Race Cycler then there is another option for you. This is a post from the Momentum Feeder Group:

"We have come up with a program to act as a feeder program for members to earn the money needed  to Race with us. Our Team Build was chosen by the owners of Momentum Feeder to be their guinea pig to test the system before the actual launch on 1 October 2014. Come and help fill in the matrix to give these folks a chance to earn enough money to join Race Cycler. Click here to join our group : Momentum Feeder

This is what your wallet will attract from this opportunity:

Click Here For Smileys :D

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