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4 YouTube Marketing Mistakes Committed by Network Marketers

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Article written by Peter Wolfing 

YouTube is a great tool for marketing your MLM business - if you can avoid the pitfalls...

Mistake #1 - Thinking all you need to do is upload a video and traffic will flood your website.

No less than 35 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube every minute, so the competition to get your video seen by viewers is insane. There are tons of high-quality videos that never get more than a few thousand views, and no doubt many more that get even fewer eyeballs.

What to do? First, tailor your video content to what your viewers want and not necessarily to what you want to show them. Always keep the viewer in mind every step of the video making process and put their needs and desires ahead of yours. Remember the radio station called WIIFM?  What's In It For Me!  That's what they are thinking about.  When making it, YOU should be thinking of WIIFT ...What's In It For Them.

Next, you've got to vigorously promote your video. Social sites are often the best way to get the word out. Do you have a list of contacts or people that have opted into a lead capture page?  Send it to them.  It doesn't always have to sell something either. Keep your name out there and develop some good will.

And third, realize that it takes time, resources and a good idea to make a video people want to watch and pass on to others. And it takes time and resources to properly promote your video. Don't expect to slap up any old video and watch the sales role in.

Mistake #2 - Thinking you're too small or new to make video work for you.

Just because you need to keep your expectations realistic doesn't mean placing and promoting videos on YouTube can't have an impact on your MLM business. Anyone can use video to its advantage.

Think about what you like to share with friends and tailor your video accordingly. Even a few thousand views can increase your MLM business, and if you get lucky, you might even create the next video viral sensation.

Mistake #3 - Creating a commercial. Online video is about engagement with others, not slapping out another "buy my product" commercial.

Think of your video as doing much more than simply selling a product or service. People on YouTube want to consume and share engaging and fun content, so don't give them a 30 minute speech on why your nutritional product rocks, because odds are they won't watch it.

Instead, inject fun, personality and pizzazz into your videos. Make them emotional, or thought provoking, or funny, or all three. Very Important:  Ask yourself, "If I saw this video, would I send it to my friends?" If the answer is no, then keep working on your concept.

Another test to see if you're on the right track: If you're with friends, would you show them the video? If not, then you might want to start over. A video should grab attention and keep the viewer entranced. It should be short - usually less than 5 minutes and preferably less than 2.5 minutes. And it should leave the viewer feeling GLAD they saw it, not glad it's over.

Mistake #4 - Trying too hard. You might think you need to spend thousands of dollars to get a professional video created, when the fact is an amateur type of video might do just as well, if not better.

People generally don't like "slick" unless it's of a "Hollywood" caliber - and that's expensive. People prefer to watch videos of real people doing real things. To illustrate slick versus real, think of an overly smooth sales
person trying to sell you a car - isn't he or she an instant turn off? Now think of an average nice person with a car for sale. She tells you it's a good car, but the heater takes 10 minutes to warm up and the ride's not super smooth. Who do you trust?

Or think about the person trying desperately to impress you with how professional he is and how he knows everything about product, compensation plan etc, compared again with the average nice person who readily admits she has found something fantastic and very excited about it.  She admits that she sometimes says or does the wrong thing and maybe even that the last MLM she was in didn't do well. Who do you like better?

Bottom line summary:

Do create videos to market your MLM business on YouTube, don't expect them to get a gazillion views overnight without massive promotion, do be yourself when making the videos, and ALWAYS keep the viewer in mind through every step of the process.

I hope this information helped you.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this post Angelina, lots of good info here
