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Would You Join A Multi-Level Marketing Company For Retirement Income?

Robert Laura   
Robert Laura

At some point in your life you’ve been pitched a multi-level marketing (MLM), direct selling, or network marketing business opportunity.  While the pitch varies from company to company, it basically promises a chance to ditch your 9-5 work schedule, be your own boss, and make lots of money while making new friends in the process.

It all sounds good on paper, yet there is a seemingly endless debate over whether these companies and programs are legitimate business opportunities or not, so I dug in and got the real scoop.  As a result, I believe that the entire industry is poised for explosive growth and can be one of the most significant solutions to America’s current retirement savings crisis.

Initially, that may sound like a bold statement, but it’s not if you understand retirement the way I do.  The reality is, making a successful transition into retirement has more to do with psychology than with money… and the same may hold true for multi-level and network marketing.

Don’t get me wrong, money has a role in retirement, but it’s not the primary one every one gives it.  Combine that concept with eye-opening statistics like AARP’s estimate that half of all baby boomers (76 million) are interested in starting a business and the makings of a massive trend are in place.

As far as the retirement saving crisis is concerned, more and more people are coming to terms with the fact that they probably aren’t going to be able to save enough money to just sit around and slowly deplete their nest egg from age 62 to 100.  With the average 50 year-old estimated to have less than $50,000 in retirement savings, there is an obvious need to find alternative ways to either save more or generate supplemental income starting now, and continuing throughout retirement.  Moving beyond just the dollars and cents, boomers are growing tired of feeling guilty or bad about their past savings habits and are interested in moving towards possible solutions.

Another growing reality that could benefit MLM and related businesses is the increasing number of baby boomers who are disenchanted with their current careers.  They’re worn-out from years of the corporate grind and don’t feel the connection between their job and the people it impacts outside their office walls or company grounds.  They’re shifting their focus from accumulating a giant nest egg to a desire to be part of something bigger and better… to have a positive effect on others… and working in retirement.  Facets of life that can be fulfilled with specific types of products and service available through some MLM or Direct selling opportunities.

MLM and direct selling programs also offer very low barriers into entrepreneurship, often providing training, support, and ample encouragement along the way.  As retirees begin to realize they need activities that keep them busy, relevant, in good health, and connected to others, the time, energy and cost to participate in these kinds of companies make them very appealing to large segments of the population caught up in these dynamics.

This is not a ringing endorsement for the entire industry.  Like any investment of time, money, and energy, people need to be aware of what they are getting into and do their homework.  That’s the primary reasons I began researching the topic by reaching out to regular everyday people involved in these types of businesses and who were willing to skip the hype and offer a transparent view of the programs and give their opinions as to whether this can be a realistic source of retirement income.

I initially spoke to a retired friend who said she joined a health and beauty direct selling company as a means of meeting new people. She had recently remarried and moved to a new location, so she combined the practice of meeting new people with making extra money.  After almost a decade in the business, she’s built a small niche business with family and friends despite switching to from one company to another competitor after three years.

She admits she doesn’t attend all of the company’s local meetings and goal-setting sessions because she’s not interested in becoming a top producer.  She just likes to use the business activity to keep busy (particularly in the winter) and use the extra money she earns to travel and spoil the grand kids.

Having studied the psychology and behavior of boomers, this example represents a major shift in my thinking about the industry.  I no longer perceive these types of opportunities as money-making pyramid schemes.  Instead, I now see it as a way to enhance many of the personal aspects of retirement that are rarely discussed let alone planned for, with the added benefit of supplementing other popular retirement income sources such as pension and social security.

Daria M. Brezinski Ph.D, a practicing psychologist and former marketing director for a multi-level marketing magazine, echoes these sentiments.  “Many people don’t realize that multi-level marketing companies are successful because they help people satisfy a number of important human needs, including feeling significant, having connections, learning something new, and making a difference.  I have heard people in network marketing say again and again, ‘I’m doing this because I’m meeting amazing people … making so many connections … and I feel so good about myself.’”

Dr. Brezinski’s point is well taken and easy to see practiced by popular network marketing companies.  Many MLM and NM companies tout a three-to-five year plan to attain freedom and wealth, yet many of the people running company meetings have been in the business for five or ten years and still haven’t left their full-time job or landed on easy street.  “As it turns out,” Dr. Brezinski notes, “when other human needs are being met, the members and consultants don’t focus solely on the financial aspects.”

Continuing my interviews, I challenged three others who are in the business to be straightforward, and prove to me that the process really works.  What I found was good, consistent business advice applicable to any new business.

Lorene Hochstetler, from Ohio, recommends keeping your current job while slowly making the transition into MLM.  She’s been able to replace her full-time income but explains, “It didn’t happen overnight, and I still work every day.  I am very disciplined with my business and wake up every day knowing what I have to do in order to succeed at this.  You have to treat it like a business and be willing to follow advice from others who have made it.”

Tracy Willard of California began her MLM career out of necessity.  “Prior to getting involved in my business, I told my friends to never let me join one of those things… but when our family was hit by the mortgage crisis I had to do something different.”  She started her business with the intention some retirees may also find themselves.  “I started with the idea that I just needed to make my month easier.  My company helped me figure out what I needed to do in order to make an extra $500 per month.”

She reiterated a common theme I heard throughout the interviews.  “If you treat it like a hobby it won’t pay you like a business.”  She also acknowledged that, in spite of her success, she doesn’t sit around eating bonbons every day waiting for residual checks to hit the mailbox.  “That’s a common misconception,” she said.  “I work hard at my business every day, although it doesn’t always feel like work.  Similar to other entrepreneurs who profit from their passion, she says “It’s rewarding because I found a product that has made in difference in how I look and feel… and I love selling it and helping other people start a business.”

Staci Cahill runs her Washington MLM company in a way many people can appreciate.  She keeps her personal life separate from her business life by avoiding home parties, offering instead workshops that educate prospects on the products she offers.  “I didn’t want to be that person others hid from because they thought I was going to ask them to host a party.  I like to keep my business life and personal life separate.”

When I asked her if she was successful at her craft, she pointed out an MLM approach different from what many might expect.  “Yes, I am very successful given what I wanted to get out of it.  I’m a single mother who used to work 50 hours per week outside the home.  Now I’ve cut it to 20 hours, which is a major upgrade for me and my family.”

As a five-year veteran of MLM, she attributes her success to the fact that, “I switched companies a few years ago once I realized that pots and pans don’t change people lives.  The products I now offer has changed my life and that of others… and I find a lot of value in waking up and going to bed knowing that.”

The interviews and psychological connections lead me to conclude that MLM and NM companies, along with other small businesses opportunities, are important considerations for anyone entering retirement.  In fact, I believe the concept of starting a business for retirement income will become one of the most significant trends impacting retirement in the 21st century.  But it has to start with redefining entrepreneurship and framing it into a retirement lifestyle.  That means helping people find ways to turn a passion, hobby, or personal desire into extra money in their pocket… not to mention helping people see the importance of  planning for the non-financial aspects of retirement such as replacing a work identity, staying relevant and connected, as well as keeping mentally and physically fit.

Something multi-level marketing as well as network marketing companies are poised to capitalize on.  As a result, the industry could soon experience larger than life growth, spurred by baby boomers looking to adjust their retirement feelings and plans. See more

Come and Work With Me! because I have found a Company that has been trading successfully on the Internet for about 12 years now and you can build a wonderful residual income by just introducing 4 people and training them to do the same. Take the time to study this opportunity by clicking on the Work With Me  link!
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4 Ways to Increase Your Traffic With StumbleUpon

StumbleUpon is one of the best traffic generators among the top seven social media sites, referring more than other social bookmarking and voting sites such as Digg and Reddit according to Statcounter.


Because when a user likes, or stumbles, a particular page, it is put into the StumbleUpon lineup. As other StumbleUpon users are randomly searching for new content on a specific
topic using the Stumble button on their toolbar, any pages in the lineup for that topic will be displayed to them.

So how can you capitalize on this great network and start getting traffic?

Great Content

Before we go any further, the main secret to StumbleUpon success is having great content. Sales pages and product info pages will not get you far, unless you happen to be Amazon or have some kind of extremely popular product like an iPad. Poorly written articles and blog posts may get them on there, but users can hit the dislike button just as easily as they can hit the like button and ultimately bury your content.

So what kind of content thrives on StumbleUpon? You can start with using the StumbleUpon search query URL,, and replace keyword with your niche or industry. Common popular media includes:
  • Tutorials – if your guide is the end all guide to a particular topic, then you’re in.
  • Videos – entertaining, informational, or visually stimulating videos from YouTube, Vimeo, and other video networks can do quite well.
  • Images – the photography community on StumbleUpon is pretty huge.
  • Infographics – most networks love infographics, and StumbleUpon is definitely one of them. You can see the ones with the most views here.
  • Lists – people love lists and will often stumble them for their followers.
Essentially, if your content does well on other social networks, it stands a good shot at doing well on StumbleUpon also. Now let’s learn how you can get more StumbleUpon traffic for your website.

1. Get Organic Stumbles

Most website owners and bloggers discover the power of StumbleUpon through their analytic's, particular when they see a day like this pop up. stumbles
This is a good example of how entertaining content can go from obscurity to viral fame with one stumble. posted a random blog about funny iPhone auto-correct messages in February. A few months later, a random StumbleUpon user with only 179 followers found it amusing and stumbled it. The result was over 7,000 views in one day, and over time, 43,000+ views total.

It just goes to show that entertaining really goes a long way on this network!

If you want to increase your chances of your content getting stumbled, the best way to do so is to add a StumbleUpon badge to your website content. You can grab the coding for it on the StumbleUpon badges page. This page even includes integration tips for Blogger, Feedburner, Movable Type, TypePad, and WordPress integration.

You can also find it bundled with social share plugins for WordPress like Digg Digg and the Active Share by OrangeSoda plugin used on posts here.

stumbleupon badge sharebar
The easier you make it for people to stumble your content, the more chances your content will be stumbled!

2. Share Content with on Other Networks

StumbleUpon has its own URL shortening system, Once you have signed up for StumbleUpon and logged into your account, you can enter your message or just a URL to shorten with the system. shortened url
You can then copy this message and send it as a status update, or let connect to your Twitter and Facebook and post it directly to those accounts immediately or schedule it for later. When someone clicks on the link, they will get to your website with the StumbleUpon toolbar conveniently above the post, making it simple for logged in users to thumb up your content. link destination
The toolbar even gives logged in users the ability to share the content to their Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter networks, so not only will you get additional StumbleUpon traffic, you will also get more shares on other networks!

3. Build a Following Base and Share Content

Want to take matters into your own hands when it comes to traffic from StumbleUpon? Once you have followers on StumbleUpon, you can share your content directly with them.

Getting followers on StumbleUpon is much like getting followers on Twitter except that there is no automatic follow back users to rely on. You have to find users to follow, follow them, and essentially hope that they follow you back. Most will receive an email notification (if they have the option turned on) letting them know that someone has followed them.

Finding followers interested in the same topics as you is simple. You can start by going to and replace the keyword with topics you are interested in. It will then show you users who are interested in the same things. This is generally a good place to start.
stumbleupon topic users
When you visit the stumbler’s profile, there is a little graphic in the right sidebar of the user’s profile that will show you how much you have in common based on interests.
stumbleupon similarities
Use this as a guide, plus the user’s number of people they are following, to determine the likelihood they will follow you back and be interested in what you are sharing.

Want to be a bit more forward? You can do a Google search for “follow me” twitter. This should result in StumbleUpon user profiles who have included a link to their Twitter. You can follow them on StumbleUpon, follow them on Twitter, and send them a friendly tweet that you just followed them on StumbleUpon because of your similar interests.

Increase Your Chance of Being Followed

The best way to ensure a higher chances of being followed (or followed back) by another user is to create a great StumbleUpon profile. So once you have signed up, be sure to:
  • Fill out your basic bio information under the Settings > Customize Profile to let people know who you are and what you are interested in.
  • Select the topics you are interested in under the Settings > Manage Interests.
  • Upload a profile photo of yourself under Settings > Profile Picture. Be sure to use the same photo on StumbleUpon that you do on Gravatar (blog comments), Twitter, Facebook, etc. that way people who are connected with you elsewhere will recognize you here.

Sharing Content

Once you start following people and they follow you in return, you can exchange shares using the StumbleUpon toolbar. I find that the one for Firefox is the most reliable.
stumbleupon toolbar firefox

Whenever a mutual follower sends something to you, a red number will appear in your toolbar. 
Clicking on that number will take you to the page that was sent to you. I find that if you like the page and send them a reply that you liked it, thanks, or another personalized note, then when it is your turn to share something, they are going to be more receptive to stumbling your content.

Most people suggest not stumbling your own content, but you have to have your content stumbled in order to share it with your followers. Your options are to wait for an organic discovery (as mentioned above) or to have an online friend you can contact via email or IM to ask for a friendly stumble.
Once your page has been stumbled, then you can click on the Info button in your toolbar while on the page. From here, you can click on the Share now > button and send your content along with a 140 character message to all of your followers, or just the followers you have had the most interaction.

stumbleupon sharing
I have found that, if you have over 50 followers, it is best to share in groups instead of sharing it with everyone at once. I have a lot of followers, so I go from A to C, D to F, and so on, otherwise the system tends to get stuck. Most of the time your share will go through, so you shouldn’t ever hit the Share now > button more than once otherwise your followers might get your page multiple times and get annoyed with you.

4. Use StumbleUpon Paid Discovery

If you’re not getting the results you wanted, don’t want to wait for natural discoveries, and want to bypass community building, then StumbleUpon’s Paid Discovery is for you. Unlike Facebook Ads, you’re not relying on a small space and image on a page in hopes that your link will get clicked upon. When you put yourself into the StumbleUpon discovery system, people interested in your topic will get directed straight to your site.

There are three plans for you to choose from.
­stumbleupon paid discovery
Simply choose the plan that best fits your needs and your budget, then click the Get Started >. You’ll need to sign up for an advertising account (separate from your regular StumbleUpon account).
Once you’ve agreed to the terms and conditions, you can jump in and create a new campaign by selecting how much you want to spend per visitor. Assuming your site doesn’t violate any of the content guidelines, then you have to complete five steps to setup your campaign.

The Basics

First, you will enter the URL you want stumblers to visit. If you are using Google Analytics, you can enter utm_paramenters that will help you track your campaign accurately. Just add the following the end of your URL.

Just change the parts in bold as you would like to see them in your Analytics. Once your campaign gets going, you can go to your Traffic Sources > View Full Report. Then just sort your Source/Medium column and you will find the traffic statistics for your campaign under / paidscovery or the custom medium and campaign you set.


Next, you will choose your topics. You can let StumbleUpon guess, or you can choose up to 10. You can choose to split your campaign per topic or keep one campaign for all the topics you select.


StumbleUpon can automatically optimize your campaign for you, or you can manually set the demographics for age, gender, location, and device (desktop browsers, iPhone, Android, or iPad).

Priority and Budget

Priority placement means that your campaign will jump ahead of the line before others targeting the same audience. You can choose to upgrade your plan from here and designate your highest daily spend. It will calculate based on your plan and your budget how many visitors you will receive in one day. For example, under the normal plan and a budget of $25 a day, you will receive 250 visitors per day.


Finally, you can set the scheduling to automatically start when the ad is approved and continue to run until you run out of funds (which you will deposit – a nice way to put a cap on your ad spending) or you can manually set a start and end date for your campaign. Then click Review Your Campaign >. From here, you can edit any campaign information or click Create Campaign to save your settings.
Last but not least, when you are redirected back to your dashboard, you will need to go under the Account Info area on the right side of the screen and add funds from your credit card or Paypal.

Closing Thoughts

StumbleUpon is an often overlooked social media network that most businesses are not tapping into its full potential. Remember, with all social media networks, you should mind the etiquette and culture of the community to earn your respect.

Got any additional tips or experiences with generating StumbleUpon traffic? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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Earn Money on the Web Through Web Advertising

One of the easiest methods to make money on the net is by means of Internet Advertising. Anybody could do this. Internet knowledge helps, but yet it is not necessary to get going. In actual fact, the operation of Advertising on the internet is generally figured out as you go along.

Hundreds and hundreds of people today generate income online via Web advertising. If you are not Web savvy, the easiest way to think of this procedure is simply by comparing it to television.

Television shows make money by way of showing ads. The cash comes through the commercial advertisers. Business advertisers compensate to have their own advertisements run throughout a particular TV program or time slot. As a rule they do so because they feel as if this particular program or time slot will likely have the best market for their particular product or service.

Internet Advertising is considered the Web equivalent of TV advertising. You are merely furnishing a message board on which marketers will advertise their own product or service. As an alternative to making a television show, though, you make a website.

You don't have to even make a website from scratch to try to make cash online by way of Advertising on the internet. You can simply sign up for a cost-free website hosting program, like a weblog. (Simply make certain the blog website is actually capable of enabling you to run ads within your blog.)

 It's ideal if you purchase your own website name which will correspond with your blog. This isn't completely necessary, but it does help to protect your own financial concerns. This also helps with seo, which will help customers find your website more quickly.

After that, choose a subject or style for the purpose of your site/blog. It's best to stick with one particular subject: "Organic Farming" is one example of this. Grant your blog some sort of name that would be reflective of the topic. This also aids in search engine optimization and even with luring marketers whose products/services are related to your website's topic.

At this point you will need to produce plenty of subject material for your site/blog. Generally you do this by just writing articles which are based on your own topic. An "Organic Gardening" blog would possibly produce and publish content relating to the vitamins and minerals of organically grown vegetables, the perfect dirt to nurture certain foods in, or perhaps the simplest way to start an natural vegetable company. Plan to publish a minimum of two short articles (350-500 words each) to begin with.

At this point, sign on through an Internet Marketing program. Every one of the big search engines (such as Google, AOL, etc.) have their own individual marketing programs. Also you can sign up with an affiliate marketer, for example Amazon or Clickbank. Seek to go for an online marketing application which focuses on the ads that show up on your site to the subject(s) of the website.

The company you ultimately choose will give you a distinctive line of html code. You merely embed this code into the site's html and advertisements will begin running. You will be making money whenever visitors to your site click on these advertisements.

The more specific the advertisements are to the topic of your site, the more inclined your website visitors are going to be to mouse click on them. The more these people click, the more cash you are making.

You're likely to boost your Web advertising profitability if you supply brand new information to your site consistently. To really make cash online, plan to publish new content articles at least one time weekly. It will help boost your ratings in the various search engines, which in turn drives even more prospects to your blog.

About the Author: Learn How to Make Money and Ways to Make Money. Hundreds of ways to Make Money Online.

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How to create a successful website that keeps customers returning

web design 
A sleek build: SME websites should be eye-catching and simple to use. Photograph: Barry Lewis/Corbis
We are all aware of the virtues of social media and how a successful Twitter account or Facebook page can boost sales, create contacts and drive in traffic. However, if those carefully crafted tweets and statuses lead customers to a confusing and badly designed website then all the effort put into promotion will be fruitless.
Without sounding too obvious, a great website is essential to a successful business. A functional website that reflects your business ethos is your best sales tool and a bad website can damage reputation and sales.
"With around 36 million Brits being online every day and 48% of people starting any sort of search for a product or service online, it's almost at a stage that you can't afford to not be online," says Lynsey Sweales CEO of SocialB, a online marketing and social media business.

Where to start?

Before you begin building your website you should have a clear idea of exactly what you want and how you want to create it. Vanessa Austin Locke, partner of Austin & Locke, has just been through the process of creating a website. The company specialise in creating brand association strategies and come up with ideas that boost reputation, influence decision-makers and generate content.
Austin Locke chose to use a designer and said she was looking for "a combination of technical ability and creative vision". "A strong sense of aesthetic was most important to us," she added. She aimed for simplicity with impact when it came to the design of her website. "Simple and easy to use yet still engaging in a graceful way that's not intrusive. We're all constantly advertised to, and it's irritating. We designed it with the client's comfort in mind."

Website designer or hosting platform?

Creating a website does not have to deplete your savings; there are myriad of hosting platforms such as WordPress, which allow you to develop functional and aesthetic websites. "If you know how to use WordPress already then don't make things harder and more expensive for yourself by using a new designer or building a CMS," says Austin Locke.
She continues: "If not, invest in a web designer but be careful, there are a lot of cowboys out there. We were quoted some absurd prices and had a terrible first experience with a 'designer' with a lot of technical ability to build a website but no aptitude for aesthetics or design."
When deciding how to build your website, Sweales believes it doesn't have to cost a fortune. "With the likes of WordPress there are some great templates you can use, but if you want something a little more bespoke then look for a website designer. But stress that you want to be able to update the website once it's up and running, you must maintain that flexibility."

The design

The creative aspect of designing your website can be the most enjoyable part, but it is paramount you get it right and your online appearance reflects the essence of your business.
Digital designer Maria Withers, who designed the Austin & Locke website, believes that design trends are temporary but keeping up-to-date with them is essential when devising a website.
"Your design should focus around your user's needs, if a website isn't aesthetically pleasing or intuitive your website can become redundant and users will bounce from your web page.
"Content is key to your website. The heaviness of imagery on a website completely depends on what message you want your website to convey. Images should be relevant to your product or company so as not to confuse a user."
When sourcing images SMEs can try image libraries such or - or team up with students as Austin Locke did for the Austin & Locke website.
"We shot our own and my advice is almost always to get creative, it's fun and you'll learn some new skills while retaining creative control. Find some up and coming photography or videography students or young pros, and they might be able to give you a good price on some original imagery as well as some priceless ideas."
A few strong, key images that succinctly express the nature of your company, are more effective than many badly sourced images. "Attention spans are short online and one image can communicate 1,000 words," says Austin Locke.

How to boost sales

Managing your website correctly can boost sales and SEO and social media play a key role in driving potential customers to your site.
"You can make money from a website in a number of ways. You could set up Google Adsense, which will show Google ads on your website," says Sweales. "Or you could accept banner ads on your website; this is more time consuming and both can distract from your core objective. If you have a website that markets your business, I wouldn't be swayed to accept ads if it affects business branding. It's worth setting up your business on Google Places for free as well as key directory sites like Yelp and Yell as they can help in the interim," says Sweales.
"If you do create a website a must is setting up your Google Analytics. This tells you how many website visits you get, where they come from and where your enquiries or sales come from. Setting up a website without it is like throwing your money away as you can't measure any marketing you are doing."

Avoid creating a bad website

Building an attractive website isn't enough to entice visitors; it has to be user friendly, easy to navigate and ensure customers return.
"A bad website consists of irrelevant content, which doesn't represent the product or business you are advertising. A website that isn't intuitive or doesn't answer a user's questions when they are on your website indicates that your website isn't useful and a user won't stick around. SEO should also be ensured in order to drive traffic to your site and have high rankings in search engines," says Withers.
Austin Locke believes static content is one the worst website offences and companies should "keep it fresh and flowing, a website is like a room… it needs airing".
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10 Websites Where You Should Have Your Company Profile Listed

1. is a comprehensive site with 20 million pages of company profiles. Part of the family of websites, and so a high-quality site. Companies can add a profile for free, with links back to their main website. This is helpful for SEO purposes and to drive more traffic to a company site.
2. LinkedIn
LinkedIn is viewed more as a site for individual profiles, but companies can also add their profile. LinkedIn gets huge traffic and is well respected.
3. Manta
Manta has been around for a while and houses millions of profiles. The site is not very well designed and full of too many ads, but it does get a fair amount of traffic. Basic services are free, but the site charges for premium placements and extra offerings.
4. allows you to search for B2B vendors and add your business to their directory. However, be aware that there is an annual fee of $299 to be listed.
5. Yelp
Yelp is a review site where millions of local businesses are profiled. Users post reviews (positive and negative) about your business. The site gets tremendous traffic, and a good review could increase business (a bad review, however, could really damage a company)
Citysearch provides a comprehensive listing of businesses by categories (restaurants, attorneys, doctors, etc.) and by city. The site was founded in 1995 and focuses on local and community.
Superpages helps consumers find local businesses, coupon deals, and get local related information. It allows you to post a profile and raise the visibility of a profile — for a fee.
Yext is a paid service that allows you to post and update your company profile on a number of business directories.
9. Google Places for Business
Google Places for Business is a Google service that allows businesses to be listed for free, and to upload directions, pictures, address, and more. Just search in for “Google Places for Business.”
Google Places for Business
10. Hoovers
Hoovers, a D&B company, has complete listings on almost every company in the U.S. It can be a bit hard to navigate through, but the data tends to be very up-to-date.
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Race Cycler is one of the most amazing money making opportunities you will find on the Internet! It is set to re-start on Monday or Tuesday 25-26 August, 2014....don't miss it!

Why do I say that? Well...there is no jumping at all... you follow your sponsor through the boards ....
it is a forced matrix, so although you need 2 direct referrals to earn the maximum income of $2200 per full cycle, you can be pushed through the 2 boards at record speed because as people join Race Cycler the system places them in the first available open spot and that may be your board, thus pushing you only pay out of pocket once....there is an automatic re-cycle feature which takes $230 from your earnings and buys another spot for you in the National Board so that you may do the whole process again.


If you would like to listen to the Conference calls on your computer, where Kent Brown explains all of this for you then click on the following links: 20 August, 2014 , 21 August, 2014 and 22 August, 2014

In the back office of your Race Cycler account you will see your boards as shown below and in order to understand the flags fully I have shown what they mean below:
 The National Board will look like this and as can be seen there is only 1 empty spot left on the board.

The Grand National Board will look like this and this person still needs the last 4 positions to be filled.


Once this board is filled then you have run the race and the checkers flag is shown and you will see that you have 2200 points ($2200) in your back office. If you were well informed and ticked the auto re-cycle block then you will have 1970 points ($1970) in your back office which you can then ask to be withdrawn to your choice of payment processor or bank.

There is also a pacecar going around the track which is the Company "first" position designed to help people cycle too have a look at this screen shot:
Then of course there are those who have been paid:

Come and join the Race and experience the excitement Click here

Some people made as much as $6600 in the first few hours when it was first launched on 8 August, 2014 and STP system could not handle all the purchase requests therefore the race had to be stopped until they could get a payment processor on board who could handle this type of traffic. Every thing is now set and ready to go......if you are ready to sign up Click Here!

Please make sure that you do have the $230 out-of-pocket funds available to sign up as you need to pay immediately.

If you DO NOT have $230 to start Race Cycler then there is another option for you. This is a post from the Momentum Feeder Group:

"We have come up with a program to act as a feeder program for members to earn the money needed  to Race with us. Our Team Build was chosen by the owners of Momentum Feeder to be their guinea pig to test the system before the actual launch on 1 October 2014. Come and help fill in the matrix to give these folks a chance to earn enough money to join Race Cycler. Click here to join our group : Momentum Feeder

This is what your wallet will attract from this opportunity:

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