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How to Get Your Blog Post Shared 1,000 Times

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Creating a great blog post is only half the battle. In a sea of content, you also need to get the word out there. That means being smart about the way you share your content online.

Wondering how to get your blog post shared all over the Web? We’ve partnered with social media blogger Ian Cleary from RazorSocial to create this infographic. It shows you which tools to use to make sure your content gets spread far and wide.

How to Get Your Blog Post Shared 1,000 Times 
Want to get your blog post shared? Try using some of the tools outlined below:

1. Create a compelling title

A good title is essential for a blog post. It needs to be catchy and stand out on social media. Try the following tips:
  • Include a number. Posts that have a number perform much better. Potential titles include ’5 ways to X’.
  • Include power keywords. Try using words like hot, dynamite and killer.
  • Test out negative titles. You can grab attention by using negative titles.

2. Make it easy to share

Make sharing icons available on all your blog posts. There are great tools that let you do this, including and the Flare share bar.

3. Optimize for Social Media and Google

Twitter and Facebook allow you to show visual content from your posts when they are shared on the social networks. It’s easy to set this up with Twitter Cards and Facebook Open Graph.

4. Create great images

Using Canva, you can create your own high quality images for sharing in blog posts and social media. Include a Pin It button on your blog posts to encourage people to share your content to Pinterest.

5. Share your content

Tools like allow you to automatically share your content. You can easily add RSS feeds from your blog and schedule content to be posted on social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Tumblr. Chrome Do Share and Buffer App are also great for scheduling content. Agora Pulse and Postplanner allow you to schedule content to Facebook.

6. Share to email lists

The next step is building your email list. Build your list with a tool like Optinmonster, then email content using Aeweber, Mailchimp, GetResponse, Ontraport or Infusionsoft.

7. Do Outreach

Find and reach out to relevant people. Follow these people and start engaging. Search Twitter for keywords related to the content. Find the influencers on Grouphigh, Twtrland. Manage outreach using Buzzstream.

8. Monitor Results

Keeping track of how your content performs will help plan future posts. Use Google URL builder to track links. Other tools such as Google Analytics, Kissmetrics Analytics and Buffer Analytics are also handy.
We’ve created this infographic with some tips on getting your blog post to spread like wildfire.

9. Share it again!

Good content deserves to be shared again. Post your best content again a few weeks later.
What do you do to make sure your content gets shared? Share your most effective tips in the comments below.


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