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Why You Need to Brand Yourself in Network Marketing

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One of the most important tips I received as a new network marketer was that I needed to brand MYSELF and not my network marketing company. There are many reasons you need to be doing this but the most important reason to brand yourself is to build trust with your target market.

People do not join network marketing companies, they join people.

Would you buy anything from someone you do not know, like or trust? Of course not.

This is one of the main reasons people struggle in network marketing. They are too busy trying to promote their company’s brand (their products, compensation plan, leadership etc.) and not themselves.

This is not their fault. The moment they signed up with their network marketing company they were told by their leaders that the best way to build their business was to shout their company’s brand from the rooftops. The problem with this strategy is that this is what EVERYBODY is doing. When you do this too, it makes you look like an amateur and very few prospects will be interested in you.

Why Brand Yourself?

Everyday there are thousands of network marketers on the internet searching for tips and strategies to help grow their business. They are searching to see how others are having success so that they can copy them. If you have yourself branded on the internet, these people will eventually find you. When they see you as a leader or a network marketing expert they will want to work with you. Remember, people do not join companies, they join PEOPLE

How To Brand Yourself

To effectively brand yourself you need to become a leader. To become a leader you need to provide value to other people. To provide value, you need knowledge. To obtain knowledge you need to do research by reading articles, watching videos, attending webinars, etc.

When I was brand new in network marketing, I was quite the amateur. The important thing to remember here is that everyone is an amateur in the beginning. No one is immune. Everyone must put in the work to obtain the knowledge necessary for success in this industry.

As you acquire the knowledge you will be able to share it with others. You can do this by publishing articles for article directories, writing blog posts, recording YouTube videos etc. The more information you put on the internet, the more people will find it and in turn find YOU.

When you are branded all over the internet, people will see you as an authority figure, and building your business will become much easier.

I hope this tip on branding yourself provided some value for you. If you would like
to learn more and receive help from me please click the "Work With Me" link below.

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